Thursday, August 30, 2012

Margarita & Salsa + Life Update!

Followers, all three of you, sorry it has been so long since my last post…school and life in general has been getting in the way of my computer time. Plus, lets me honest, writing (or typing, heh) takes effort and I am seriously lacking in that department now that I am back to work.

Lets back up to last weekend--the glorious Margarita and Salsa Festival in Waco! It mixes three of my favorite things…Country music, salsa, and MARGARITAS! (doi!)

The line-up was amazing! Pretty hard to beat Josh Abbott, Randy Rogers and Billy Currington! We went with Ryan and Stephanie and met some of my long lost Liberty Hill friends, Matt & Amelia with their crew in tow.

Check out Whitty in the background…what a photo bomber!

Since this fabulous festival, I have since started school. I am teaching four sections of 6th grade PE, and  I have two athletic periods. I LOVE MY JOB! I will love it even more once we get through volleyball try-outs…we have 60- 7th graders and 26 spots on the team (A&B combined). We have tried running them ragged and only 1 has had the sense to get out!

My 6th graders are so sweet! They are excited about PE (for the most part), listen really well and are sweet to each other! We are doing our first 20 minute run tomorrow, so we will see how long the sweetness lasts. Next week will be fun, we are starting our volleyball unit and they are looking forward to it!

Kudos to school districts that started school this week and planned to end it with a much-needed long weekend! Hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

I have logged on several times since my last post, but didn't have the energy to write anything. August is always a busy month for teacher/coaches, but this one is one for the record books!

The first two weeks of August have been crazy! 

Jason and I had several meetings regarding BLAST camp and our involvement with the international students at Allen. When school resumes, Jason and I will be responsible for 15-20 international students for one weekend a month. We are looking forward to the new experience!

Jason and I finally got to try out the new bar that opened in Downtown Bryan, The Proudest Monkey, with our friends, Ryan and Stephanie. We had lots of fun (obviously, judging by Whitty's face)!

The first weekend of August was one of my best friend, Amelia's, birthday and her boy planned a river trip to celebrate. If any of you are familiar with Harlow birthday's, they always are an adventure!

We took the Harlow family's old school limo, that I like to call the gangstermobile to the San Marcos River…and blew out a tire.

We were in the left lane when the tire went, so we had to pull over on the left side of I-35 with our right front tire blown. The boys tried to see if they could maneuver over there to fix it, but there was too much traffic on the road. We tried calling AAA, but unfortunately limos (whether privately owned or not) are not included in the coverage…fail AAA! But we were lucky enough to catch a break in traffic and putt our way to the other side. The boys worked their magic on the tire and we drove the TWO remaining miles between us and the river.

We didn't let the tire blow our good time, we still made the loop of the river…twice!

This past weekend was BLAST camp, which stands for Becoming Leaders And Strong Teens. Jason was asked to put together a leadership camp for students at Allen and I was recruited to help with the planning process and to be a facilitator for one of the groups. For the first annual BLAST camp, it went very extremely well! I thoroughly enjoyed the students and LOVED my group! The camp was held at Camp Cooley Ranch near Franklin. The grounds were beautiful! Here is a picture from the window of the main house were all the girls and I slept:

The past couple weeks have also been Volleyball 2-a-days and coaching inservice out in Caldwell. We have been busy preparing for the fast approaching school year! I am excited for the start and have really enjoyed working with my two AmAzInG MS coaching partners!

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their week! :)